Thomas Hutchins

Thomas Hutchins is a graduate of Deep Springs College, the University of California at Berkeley, and Columbia University School of Law. He began practicing immigration law in 1992 as the staff attorney at the Refugee Assistance Council in Laredo, Texas. In 1995, he established a private immigration practice in Alexandria, Virginia, and focused on writing immigration appeals. He founded the Immigrant and Refugee Appellate Center in 2001. Mr. Hutchins is licensed to practice in the State of New York, in the United States District Court, Southern District of New York, and before the United States Courts of Appeals for the Fourth, Fifth, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Circuits. He has appeared pro hac vice in the United States District Courts for Maryland and Minnesota. Mr. Hutchins speaks at bar conferences on immigration issues. He mentors law students and attorneys who wish to prepare and submit pro bono briefs on behalf of aliens who are on appeal. In 2000, the American Immigration Lawyers Association selected Mr. Hutchins for its annual pro bono award.


  • Thomas Hutchins, Immigration Pleading and Practice Manual, Thomson-West.
  • Thomas Hutchins, REAL ID Act and Persecution and Torture Claims Three Years Later (AILA Conference, June 28, 2008).
  • Thomas Hutchins, An Overview of Habeas Corpus, Post Real ID: The Writ Remains, Thomson-West Immigr. Briefings (May 2008).
  • Thomas Hutchins, Mohamed v. TeBrake: A Case Study on the Mentally Ill in Removal Proceedings and an Example of How Real ID Violates the Suspension Clause, 82 Interpreter Releases 1297 (Aug. 15, 2005).
  • Thomas Hutchins, Detention of Aliens: An Overview of Current Law, Thomson-West Immigr. Briefings (March 2003).
  • Thomas Hutchins, Parole of Aliens into the United States, Thomson-West Immigr. Briefings (January 2003).
  • Karen Crawford & Thomas Hutchins, Ignoring Congress: The Board of Immigration Appeals and Crimes of Violence in Puente and Magallanes, 6 Bender’s Immigr. Bull. 67 (January 15, 2001).
  • Karen Crawford & Thomas Hutchins, Eliminating Immigration Judges’ Discretion to Mischaracterize Rape as an Act of Sexual Purpose or Pleasure in Asylum Proceedings, 5 Bender’s Immigr. Bull. 6569 (August 1, 2000).
  • Thomas Hutchins, Using the International Court of Justice to Check Human Rights Abuses in World Bank Projects, 23 Colum. Hum. Rts. L. Rev. 487 (1992).
  • Thomas Hutchins and Jonathan Klaaren, Public Interest Law Around the World[:] A NAACP-LDF Symposium Report (1992).
  • Thomas Hutchins, Tata Bahasa dan Kunci, English for the SLTA[,] Student’s Book II & III (1988) (Indonesian student text book).
  • Thomas Hutchins, An English Primer for Pondok Pesantren An-Nuqayah (1987) (Indonesian student text book).
  • Thomas Hutchins, Tata Bahasa, Kunci, dan Kamus, English for the SLTA[,] Student’s Book I (1986) (Indonesian student text book).